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What should I do if I am unable to attend a mandatory class at my department?

It is your responsibility to make arrangements to attend another class offered in Alamance County, before the end of the “mandatory month”. In order to accommodate everyone’s schedule, ACC hosts CE classes at various locations, times, and days each month.

Visit the Alamance County Con-Ed Calendar for more details.

If you are unable to make the mandatory class up before the end of the month, it is your responsibility to attend the make-up session (previously listed on this page) for the specific topic missed. Please use this form to notify the program of your intent to attend the make-up session, as well as the mandatory topics needed. Failure to correct deficient hours of the mandatory topics in a timely manner may greatly affect your ability to respond to medical calls in Alamance County until a TSOP is performed.

How do I find out about other classes being held throughout Alamance County? How do I know what topic other departments are covering?

Visit the Alamance County Con-Ed Calendar for more details. Department specific schedules, updates, changes to schedule, and important information will be posted to the website, as well as sent to each department’s chief and training officer.

When do I need to register for online class? How will I know if I am registered for an online class?

You must register by the 25th the month before the online class is beginning.  For example, if the online class is in April, you will need to register by the 25th of March in order to take the class.  After the registration deadline, it will be closed and you will not be able to register for the class. You are highly encouraged attend in-person the class offered throughout the month.

You should expect to receive a confirmation email at least  two (2) days before the scheduled class start. It is highly encouraged to keep a copy of the registration form submitted for your own records. 

How many CE hours do I need to have? What if I do not have enough hours for the year?

The NCOEMS standard for re-credentialing has recently shifted away from recognizing the total hours within a re-credential cycle, towards a topic specific model.  In order to achieve NCOEMS compliance all EMR, EMT, AEMT, & Paramedic personnel must meet the hourly topic requirements for each sub-topic as is specified for their credential level (North Carolina Office of EMS Re-certification Standard) within a four (4) year credentialing cycle.

In addition to maintaining NCOEMS compliance all EMR, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic personnel functioning within Alamance County’s emergency medical response system, must also remain compliant with the Alamance County System and Education Plan, which annually requires at least 24 hours of in-service training for all BLS providers, 36 hours of annual in-service training for all ALS providers and successful technical scope of practice (TSOP) completion.

All credentialing requirements will  be met so long as you attend each monthly CE session throughout the academic year (July 1st – June 30th).

Personnel who are deficient mandatory topic hours must make arrangements to make these topics up. BLS personnel that are deficient at the end of the academic year will be reported to the Alamance County Medical Director and may be suspended from medical response until the deficient hours are made up. (This does not apply to providers that obtain CE hours from ACC but do not participate in emergency response in Alamance County).

Is there an easy way to keep track my of CE hours?

Yes, log onto your EMS 24/7 account. All classes that you attended are listed under the MyHistory section of your account. If you do not have an EMS 24/7 account created, please contact